Fill your prescriptions with the expert knowledge of pharmacists and pharmacy students.
Your Discovery Pharmacy Care Team is here to help you better manage your health. We will ensure that your prescribed medication therapy is safe and effective for the health issue you are managing. A 1-on-1 virtual, phone, or in-person appointment with the pharmacist and/or pharmacy student will be a space for you to ask any questions you may have about your medications. We’ll get to know you and your health to ensure the medications you are taking are working for you the way you want them to.
In addition to receiving expert counsel on your medications, our patient-centered approach includes assessment of non-drug interventions that may be helpful to improve your health. We may also provide referrals to other services or providers as necessary.
For any issues booking your appointment, please contact discovery.pharmacy@utoronto.ca
Getting your prescription medications?
Book an appointment
Virtual, phone, and in-person appointments available.
You will receive an email or text message confirmation from Telus PharmaConnect.
First time patient? Book an in-person appointment so we can meet you in person.
Download the Telus PharmaConnect App – We'll help you set this up to enhance your pharmacy experience.
Meet with the Pharmacist
During your appointment time, the pharmacist will get to know you, your health, and your medication needs. Bring any questions that you may have about your health and your medications. You can meet with the pharmacist:
A virtual link will be sent to the email that you used when booking your appointment.
A member of our Care Team on duty will call you at the appointment time.
Arrive at Discovery Pharmacy at your scheduled appointment time. Click here for directions
Get your medications
You will receive a text message notification when your medications are ready. There will be a link to schedule a pick-up time.
We accept most private and drug coverage plans.
For medication coverage, please bring your supplementary health plan or drug coverage card from your employer. For patients with multiple plans (i.e. Graduate students who are Teaching Assistants, spouses that have coverage), please have all plan coverage cards available.
University of Toronto Students are covered by Green Shield via the Supplementary Health Plan. Have your student number ready and identify that you are a graduate or undergraduate student.
For Exchange students, you may not have supplementary coverage for medications.
University of Toronto Employees are covered by Green Shield.
Some medications require a prescription.
Two convenient options for students are: